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Brief history of OpenStack

OpenStack was created in 2010. Rackspace wanted to rewrite the infrastructure code running its Cloud servers offering and considered open sourcing the existing cloud files code. At the same time, Anso Labs (contracting for NASA) had published beta code for Nova, a Python-based “cloud computing fabric controller”. Both efforts converged and formed the base for […]

Short refresh on OpenStack architecture and services

A recap of OpenStack services

While OpenStack is already a well-known and proven private cloud solution, there will always be some questions about the architecture and the components. So, to help you find your way with OpenStack, we have summarized some of the often used components for you in this blog. The various OpenStack community projects and the services they […]

Kubernetes APIs and the CNCF Landscape

Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open source platform for managing containerized workloads and services. It facilitates both declarative configuration and automation, and it has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. If Kubernetes is properly implemented into your engineering workflows, it can lead to great productivity gains.   The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, meaning helmsman or […]

OpenStack Wallaby release

Since its first release in 2010, OpenStack has released major updates for the open infrastructure every 6 months. Rather than going by version number, they use the alphabet to identify these releases by giving each update a name with the next letter in the alphabet. Nearly a year ago I wrote a blog about OpenStack […]

5G and cloudification

The 5G technology enables us to transmit and receive data up to 100 times faster and more reliable than 4G. This doesn’t only speed up everything you use 4G for but it opens up a complete new mobile world, enabling the Internet of Things and resulting in a multitude of new devices connected to the […]

Running your private cloud on CentOS… Now what?

In December last year Red Hat announced that the future of CentOs is streamed ( ). This came as a shock to a lot of IT departments and enthusiasts. It came up in a lot of talks I had the last two months. So I thought it might be nice to share our vision […]

Doing an internship at an open source cloud company

Blog by Elvira Dautovic-Mouradi (intern at Fairbanks). When following a study it’s almost always necessary to do an internship in order to complete your study. Many dread this time because it means actually starting to work and taking on real responsibility. So, for my study international creative business my time came to do an internship […]

Why Edge Computing is the logical addition to your Unified Telecom Cloud

As you might know, I am not really font of overhyped buzzwords derived from logical technical terms and solutions already used for many years. It looks like a lot of businesses could not operate without buzzwords, as they are internal shortcuts that make perfect sense to people informed of the context. But the issue with […]

From science fiction in The Terminator movies to reality

Artificial intelligence was once science fiction in movies but has become a reality fast. Partly due the power open infrastructure developments.    It’s strange how technology around us developed so quickly and still keeps on developing. Where it took us until 1882 to create the first electrical light, it only took us from there to […]

Open infrastructure from a xennial point of view

Having dealt last week with how millennials see open cloud infrastructure, I got a lot of reactions that not all millennials think alike. That of course is true. But some generalization can sometimes add a nice perspective on things. So as a follow up, I dove into xennials and their stands on open infrastructures.   […]