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Train your team to become OpenStack operations experts

OpenStack operations training for your organization

The Fairbanks Masterclasses focus on how to maintain an OpenStack cluster, how to improve operations, how to be able to troubleshoot quicker and how to make design changes.

With our 10+ years of experience in managing, troubleshooting, and consulting different distributions and open source infrastructures, we help your open source teams improve their operations.

For operations teams

Learn form experts

Better understanding

Of the inner workings of an OpenStack platform

In 2 days

Quick understanding

LAB exercises

Hands-on experience

Online or on-site

Any location


Proof of completion

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Combines with these technologies

What our customers say


“Fairbanks was a key factor in helping us achieve the high capacity to host millions of sub-services on our open infrastructure platform. The number of services we have successfully virtualized and containerized in a short time should set an example for the rest of the industry.”

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Masterclass packages


OpenStack Masterclass


Ceph Fundamentals powered by 42on

Learn to design, maintain and troubleshoot

Mix of theory and labs

OpenStack, Kubernetes or Ceph clusters

Custom made training?

Tell us about your wishes. 

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