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Health Check

A Health Check is the first step towards digital success.

What is a

Health Check? 

Is your infrastructure operating at its peak? Are your systems performing optimally? Is your hardware aligned with your goals? Is your infrastructure resilient to potential risks?

Our Health Check service offers a comprehensive evaluation of your organization’s technological landscape. We aim to enhance the health and stability of your infrastructure while identifying opportunities for optimization.

An infrastructure Health Check can encompass various aspects, including:

1. Network performance
2. Server health
3. Security assessment
4. Scalability and capacity
5. Backup and recovery 

How does it work?


We start with the initial consultation. This allows us to deeply understand your objectives and areas of concern. Together, we outline the scope of the Health Check, pinpointing which facets of your infrastructure will be assessed.


Next, our expert team swings into action. Depending on your preference, we conduct this evaluation via secure remote access. We systematically gather vital data, which encompasses a series of diagnostics, tests, and pertinent metrics.


With the data in our hands, we unveil the strengths and potential areas for enhancement. The culmination of this effort is a report, where we present our findings and lay out a roadmap of prioritized recommendations for your consideration.


Armed with these insights, we collaboratively formulate an action plan. This plan is custom-tailored to address the identified areas of improvement. 

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Health Check

Why health check?

Fairbanks is home to a team of professionals with a wealth of experience in evaluating and optimizing diverse infrastructures.

We perform a thorough analysis of your systems, networks, hardware, and software to provide comprehensive insights.

We provide custom-tailored advice based on your specific needs, ensuring that our solutions align perfectly with your goals.

Why choose Fairbanks?

We are proud members of the

The OpenInfra Foundation supports the development and adoption of open infrastructure globally, across a community of over 110,000 individuals in 187 countries, by hosting open source projects and communities of practice.

The Linux Foundation provides a neutral, trusted hub for developers and organisations to code, manage and scale open technology projects and ecosystems.

Gain a fresh perspective

from outside of your organization​

Utilise our expertise

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Gain a fresh perspective

with our 24/7 availability

Easy communication​

through our support portal

Worldwide coverage

available at any location

Facing known issues?

get our take on it!

We support your open source infrastructure •

What our customers say


“Fairbanks was a key factor in helping us achieve the high capacity to host millions of sub-services on our open infrastructure platform. The number of services we have successfully virtualized and containerized in a short time should set an example for the rest of the industry.”

Read full case

Other services

Fairbanks delivers four other services: Managed Services, Consultancy, Emergency Assistance, and Training.
Want to know more about our other services?