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SDN, NFV and VNF. Powerful acronyms maybe, but let me explain them a bit.

Last week I was explaining some open infrastructure components to a client and therefore also some network concepts like SDN, NFV and VNF functionalities. At some point I realized I was talking too much abbreviations; IPv6, BGP, OKD, RHEL, RHEV, ZFS, MANO, SDN, NFV and VNF. Pfff,  let’s dive into the meaning first before scattering […]

ZFS and Ceph, what a lovely couple they make!

Stable, secure data storage is probably one of the most important things in today’s data driven world. With the ability to scale fast. Combining two great storage solutions provides you with all those in one. ZFS and Ceph are a couple that cannot easily be beaten!   Why is that? The short explanation is scalability. […]