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Running your private cloud on CentOS… Now what?

In December last year Red Hat announced that the future of CentOs is streamed ( ). This came as a shock to a lot of IT departments and enthusiasts. It came up in a lot of talks I had the last two months. So I thought it might be nice to share our vision […]

SDN, NFV and VNF. Powerful acronyms maybe, but let me explain them a bit.

Last week I was explaining some open infrastructure components to a client and therefore also some network concepts like SDN, NFV and VNF functionalities. At some point I realized I was talking too much abbreviations; IPv6, BGP, OKD, RHEL, RHEV, ZFS, MANO, SDN, NFV and VNF. Pfff,  let’s dive into the meaning first before scattering […]