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Our interview with the CEO of ScaleUp, Cristoph Streit

ScaleUp is a Managed Hosting Provider. The company develops highly available Cloud and Business Hosting Solutions for systems houses and companies in Germany. At their Data Center locations in for example Berlin, Hamburg and Dusseldorf, ScaleUp supports almost 900 clients with the development and operation of their Managed IT Systems. At the OpenInfra Summit of […]

Our interview with Allesandro Pilotti, founder and CEO of Cloudbase Solutions

Recently we visited the annual OpenInfra summit in Berlin. We held interviews with some interesting people. Earlier we posted blogs about our interviews of attendees and OpenInfra Foundation members. This time we have wrote a blog about our interview with Allesandro Pilotti, the founder and CEO of Cloudbase Solutions. You can also view the interview […]

OpenStack Xena, what’s new?

Xena is the 24th version of OpenStack’s supporting hardware support and project integration to strengthen infrastructure for cloud-native applications. This release comes at a time when the OpenStack project is deployed in production more widely than ever. Over 100 new OpenStack clouds have been built in the past months, growing the total number of cores […]