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Deep dive into the main OpenStack components part 3

Deep dive into the main OpenStack components part 3

Welcome to part three of our blog series “Deep dive into the main OpenStack components.” In this series, we have been exploring the different components of the OpenStack platform in-depth, including Glance, Heat, Trove, Magnum, and more. In this blog, we will dive deep into the remaining OpenStack components that we haven’t discussed yet, including their features, capabilities, and use cases. 

In case you haven’t read part 1 or 2 of this blog series you can find them through the following links:

Deep dive into the main OpenStack components part 1:
Deep dive into the main OpenStack components part 2:

OpenStack component Glance

OpenStack Glance is the image service component of the OpenStack platform, which provides a service for discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine images. These images serve as templates for launching instances or virtual machines in the cloud infrastructure. In other words, Glance is responsible for managing and storing virtual machine images in the OpenStack cloud.

Glance supports a variety of image formats, including QCOW2, VHD, VMDK, ISO, and RAW, and it can also convert images between different formats. Images can be stored in Glance’s database or in an external storage system like Ceph or Swift, depending on the configuration.

Glance has several key features, including:

  1. Image discovery: Glance enables users to discover available images in the cloud infrastructure, including their metadata, such as name, version, and description.
  2. Image registration: Users can register their own images with Glance to make them available for use in the cloud infrastructure. This can be done via the Glance API or the OpenStack dashboard.
  3. Image caching: Glance provides image caching to improve the performance of image retrieval. Cached images can be stored on local disk or in an external caching system like Memcached.
  4. Image encryption: Glance supports image encryption to secure the images stored in the cloud infrastructure.
  5. Image sharing: Glance enables users to share their images with other users or projects in the cloud infrastructure.
  6. Image lifecycle management: Glance provides features for managing the lifecycle of images, including archiving, deleting, and updating images.

In addition, Glance integrates with other OpenStack components like Nova (compute), Cinder (block storage), and Neutron (networking) to enable the creation and management of virtual machines using images stored in Glance.

OpenStack component Heat

OpenStack Heat is the orchestration service component of the OpenStack platform, which provides a way to manage multiple resources as a single unit. Heat allows users to define templates that specify the resources required for an application or service, such as virtual machines, networks, and storage. These templates can be created using YAML or JSON format. Heat then uses these templates to launch and manage the resources required for the application.

Heat provides several key features, including:

  1. Template-based orchestration: Heat allows users to define templates that describe the infrastructure resources needed to run their applications. These templates are reusable, versionable, and can be easily shared between users.
  2. Auto-scaling: Heat provides the ability to scale up or down the resources allocated to an application automatically based on certain conditions, such as CPU utilization or network traffic.
  3. Rolling updates: Heat provides a mechanism to perform rolling updates of an application, allowing new versions to be deployed without any downtime.
  4. Dependency management: Heat manages dependencies between resources, ensuring that resources are launched in the correct order and that they are properly connected.
  5. Multi-cloud orchestration: Heat can be used to orchestrate resources across multiple clouds, enabling users to manage hybrid cloud environments.
  6. Integration with other OpenStack components: Heat integrates with other OpenStack components, such as Nova (compute), Cinder (block storage), and Neutron (networking), to enable the creation and management of resources required for an application.

In addition, Heat provides a user-friendly web interface and command-line tools for creating and managing templates and stacks. Heat also supports a wide range of resource types, including virtual machines, databases, load balancers, and storage volumes.

OpenStack component Trove

OpenStack Trove is the database as a service (DBaaS) component of the OpenStack platform, which provides a way to easily provision and manage different types of databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Cassandra. Trove provides a simple interface for users to create and manage databases, and it also automates many common database tasks, such as backup and recovery, scaling, and replication.

Trove provides several key features, including:

  1. Database provisioning: Trove allows users to create and manage different types of databases with a few clicks, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis.
  2. Scaling: Trove provides the ability to scale up or down the resources allocated to a database instance automatically based on certain conditions, such as CPU utilization or disk usage.
  3. Backup and recovery: Trove provides automated backup and recovery for databases, allowing users to easily recover data in the event of a failure or data loss.
  4. Replication: Trove supports database replication, enabling users to create replicas of their databases for better performance, high availability, and disaster recovery.
  5. Security: Trove provides security features such as authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect data stored in the databases.
  6. Integration with other OpenStack components: Trove integrates with other OpenStack components, such as Nova (compute), Cinder (block storage), and Neutron (networking), to enable the creation and management of database instances.

In addition, Trove provides a user-friendly web interface and command-line tools for creating and managing database instances. Trove also supports different deployment models, including single instances, high availability clusters, and sharded clusters.

OpenStack component Magnum 

OpenStack Magnum is the container orchestration service component of the OpenStack platform, which provides a way to manage container orchestration engines like Kubernetes, Swarm, and Mesos on OpenStack. Magnum provides a simple interface for users to create and manage container clusters, and it automates many common tasks associated with container orchestration, such as scaling, self-healing, and load balancing.

Magnum provides several key features, including:

  1. Container cluster management: Magnum allows users to create and manage container clusters using popular orchestration engines like Kubernetes, Swarm, and Mesos.
  2. Integration with other OpenStack components: Magnum integrates with other OpenStack components, such as Nova (compute), Cinder (block storage), and Neutron (networking), to enable the creation and management of container clusters.
  3. Scaling: Magnum provides the ability to scale up or down the resources allocated to a container cluster automatically based on certain conditions, such as CPU utilization or network traffic.
  4. Self-healing: Magnum can automatically detect and recover from container failures, ensuring that containerized applications are always running.
  5. Load balancing: Magnum provides load balancing capabilities for container clusters, ensuring that incoming traffic is distributed evenly across the cluster.
  6. Security: Magnum provides security features such as authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect containerized applications.

In addition, Magnum provides a user-friendly web interface and command-line tools for creating and managing container clusters. Magnum also supports different deployment models, including single master, multi-master, and federation.


As the OpenStack platform continues to evolve, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in its components. By leveraging the power of these components, organizations can create and manage cloud infrastructure that meets their unique needs and requirements. We hope this blog has provided you with valuable insights into the OpenStack platform and its components, and that you will continue to explore its capabilities to transform your cloud infrastructure.

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